Productivity Enhancement

Cloud VoIP Solutions

Understanding the difference between different Cloud VoIP carriers could make a meaningful impact on your organization. Let us help.

Contact Us
In-House Sales Training

Top VoIP Carriers we work with.

Unique solutions for an every growing remote workforce.


Cost Savings

Average cost savings over a 2 year period compared to on premise delivery.



Desktop or Softphone solutions for increased productivity and workplace flexibility.



Collaboration of voice with Unified Communications or even Document Management solutions to create an all in one solution.

Voice Connectivity

Use the form on this page to help us find you the right solution.

We can provide more than just Cloud VoIP solutions, if you are switching providers, needing a new PRI or SIP Trunk delivery,  please specify in the form and we will provide options for your needed service.

-Thank you

Digital and Cloud Voice Service
Connection Consulting
(206) 501-4403
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